We created Drupal commerce and we believe that it's ideal platform for your online store. Give us a chance to convince you.
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Learn how to configure Drupal Commerce for CPQ or any number of product customization scenarios.
Drupal Commerce now features a store dashboard designed to give merchants greater insight into their store's performance.
Centarro added Payment Element support to the Stripe integration, adding Apple Pay and Google Pay support for all merchants with minimal configuration.
We send out periodic emails keeping you in the loop on the latest releases, updates, and features.
Last year we rolled 5 releases and grew our merchant count 40%! At the start of 2020, we're pausing to reflect on what we accomplished last year.
As 2019 draws to a close, it’s time for one last Commerce release. We’ve had a busy month since 2.15, and we’re excited to show you the results!
Check out our JSON:API / Search API integration! It enables headless commerce applications to query custom search indexes created in Drupal.
We were encouraged to see many European contributors at DrupalCon. Now that we're back home, we're rolling out a feature packed core release.
Centarro Support connects developers to our core team to get fast answers to their Drupal Commerce questions. We're launching it here at DrupalCon.
After months of work on Commerce 2.x and its dependencies, we're excited to have a complete address book in core. Tour the feature in this post!
(or email info@centarro.io directly.)