Computer with html and a screen showing a website

eCommerce sites your customers can find

Drupal Commerce leads the marketplace in building SEO friendly online stores.

Take full control of your URLs

Unlike many other eCommerce platforms, Drupal Commerce gives you full control of your URLs, not hard-coded slugs you can't get rid of.

Customizable, semantic URLs? Yes please!

Drupal does not force you to use a "one size fits all" URL pattern. Enjoy full control by configuring URL patterns with a combination of tokens and custom strings. Set patterns by entity type and override as needed for any given page.

Say good-bye to orphaned pages

Link between content using internal paths, and Drupal’s alias system will convert links to use the proper path when the content is generated. If aliases change, internal links will automatically update to use the new pattern.

Automatic redirect of changed URLs

Don’t lose backlink cred when your content URLs change. Drupal automatically creates 301 redirects for you when a path alias changes.

Pretty paths for filters

Create semantic and user-friendly faceted pages that append contextually relevant, human-readable slugs to a URL rather than meaningless query parameters. 

Create search engine friendly product pages

Product pages are your bread and butter. Make sure they are optimized for search engines, Google Shopping, social commerce, and direct sharing between customers.

LD+JSON and Microdata are core concepts

Enjoy out of the box semantic product pages with schema_metatag. Set pattern-based LD+JSON output per entity bundle and provide structured data that is used by search engines and Google Merchant Center to display offers to customers.

Enable social sharing and shopping

Automatically populate the tags required to enable rich posts on Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, X, and more. Give content editors the ability to customize social tags on popular products directly on the product edit form.

Populate meta tags with ease

Set templates and patterns for important meta tags like title, description, and index directives by bundle type. Override these patterns on a per page basis. Create powerful product listing pages while still maintaining control over meta tags.

Deep link to specific product variations

Provide links to specific product variations out of the box. Satisfy Google Merchant Center requirements by linking directly to a configured product variation or to a checkout form for a given variation.

Slash duplicate content

Don't let duplicate content take a bite out of the hard work you've put into building your content. Drupal provides the tools you need to reduce duplicate content. 

Multi-language? No problem!

Out of box multi-language sites contain the meta relationship directives to link between different translations of the same page. Link to specific translations via a language code automatically included in the URL.

Give search engines sitemaps easily

Let search engines know what content to index and how to prioritize it with sitemaps. Choose which content types should be added to a sitemap and set the refresh time period to indicate how often content should be reindexed.

Keep junk pages out of an index

Insert a noindex tag on pages that have light or duplicate content. Create rules to control when noindex is used based on if facets and filters are applied on a category or search page.

Automatically link paginated content

Control the canonical link directives for paginated content and related pages using the appropriate rel=”next” and rel=”prev” directives.

Extras come standard

SEO and accessibility features that are afterthoughts - or completely missing on other platforms - come standard in Drupal and are improved upon and extended with contributed modules.

Make sure images are found

Set Alt and Title text on images and other embedded media to make sure search engines and screen readers can understand what's on a page.

CNAMEd CDN paths

Don’t lose domain cred by hosting media on a domain you don’t control. Choose what CDN you want to integrate with and host your media using your own CNAME.

Serve optimized images

Set image styles to automatically process uploaded images and serve optimized images that fit the displayed screen size.

Control media urls

Use tokens to create semantic URLs and filenames for embedded media.

Embed breadcrumbs

Take full control of breadcrumb links and improve your site architecture and crawlability with contextual breadcrumbs on content and product pages.

Easily find and cross link content

Make it easy for content editors to find and link to internal and external content and ensure the links are valid with modules like Linkit and Link Checker.