Commerce Shipping release adds shipment confirmation emails and improved JSON:API support

Celebrating a new release

Several months have passed since we've tagged our first Commerce Shipping release candidate, which added support for "billing same as shipping" address copying and resolved a variety of bugs.

Since then we've kept a close eye on the issue queue. Even though it isn't part of the core Commerce project itself, we consider it an essential contributed module in our ecosystem. We've resolved a few more "last mile" bugs and recently packaged the module's second release candidate.

Shipment confirmation emails

Thanks to the hard work of several community contributors, we now support sending a "shipment confirmation" email to notify customers when their ordered items are shipped.

This behavior is controlled by a setting at the shipment type level:

Similar to order receipts, it's also possible to resend the shipment confirmation from an order's shipments tab:

What else is in this release?

  • Improved JSON:API integration:
    • It is now possible for a user to view an order's shipments without "administer commerce_shipment" permission. Access to shipments are now determined by access to their parent orders.
    • Shipments are now API friendly. The shipments item field previously contained value objects that could not be serialized into JSON, preventing you from displaying shipment item data over the API.
  • New condition based on the Shipment quantity (cf. issue #3050162)
  • Fix around profile copying (cf. issue #3119449)
  • Shipping rate widget used to fail if the selected default rate was not available (cf. issue #3127538)

That is not all, but you can check out the release notes for more details. 🙂

What's next in our roadmap?

  • Auto recalculation of the shipping rates when the address changes (following along in issue #2849756)
  • Abstract properties on Shipments to support carrier rating for different types of deliveries or services
  • Additional Shipment conditions

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